Atomic Gutenberg Blocks
Click on block demo for more samples
Any subjective notes on these block are our opinions and others may not agree. All features for various blocks may not have been tested here.
- Atomic Blocks is a WordPress Plugin
Pricing Block – Block Demo
- lots of options
- similar to a section block, can add blocks to it.
- See demo link
- Product Feature One
- Product Feature Two
- Product Feature Three
- Product Feature One
- Product Feature Two
- Product Feature Three
Post Grid Block – Block Demo
- See demo link, puts blog posts in a grid format
- looks good on demo page
- appears to be for blog posts
- looks best if posts have an image
Container Block – Block Demo
- See demo link for more ideas
- The Container block lets you gather several individual blocks into a parent container, which helps you create different sections of content on your posts and pages. For example, you might want to create a section with columns, images, and text and give it a specific padding and background color. Using the Container block, you can do just that!
- In test couldn’t get image bg to go to wide format
- prefer to use Ultimate Addons Section block instead.

A container block to wrap several blocks in a parent container. Container bg is snofalls image
Second paragraph in container
Column 1
Text for column 1
Column 2
Text for column 2
Below is medium sized image in container.

Below is a container block with two columns.

Column 1
Testing container inside a column, seems to work.

Testimonial Block – Block Demo
- lets you add a testimonial box to your page with testimonial text, a citation name and title and avatar.
- settings for font size, cite alignment, background color and text color.
Love your services.

Paldom SystemsInline Notice Block – Block Demo
- The notice block lets you add an inline notice box to your page. You can use it to highlight some info on your page or draw attention to a special message.
- settings for font size, notice color, text color
- whether or not to make the block dismissible.
Tuesday, August 27, 8:00 am
General Meeting, see agenda that was emailed
Accordion Block – Block Demo
- Add an accordion text toggle with a title and descriptive text.
- Includes options to change the font size and an option to toggle the accordion or open by default.
- Icon arrow didn’t show up
- saves space on a page
- Advanced Gutenberg Blocks also ha an accordion block
Accordion Block, click to open
more text here
Share Icons Block – Block Demo
- add social media sharing icons
- options for style, size and colors
Call-To-Action Block – Block Demo
- add a compact, wide or full-width call to action to your site.
- Can have image or color as bg
- can put in a section block to control width for smaller box
- used on many of our sites
Check out our website
Business Systems, Website Design, Email Marketing
Customizable Button Block – Block Demo
- Options are colors, shape and size
- option to open link in new window
Spacer & Divider Block – Block Demo
- Adjustable spacer with option to add divider
- options for color, height, style (solid, dashed, dotted
- no option for length of divider
- gray area indicates size of spacing, but couldn’t get rid of it
Author Profile Block – Block Demo
- add a user profile box to your page with an avatar, name, title, profile text and social media links.
- Could be useful for profiles on instructors, board members, portfolio items.
- can add bg color, social media links.
- make image round or square.
- can add links for text but not image.

Drop Cap Block – Block Demo
- add a stylized drop cap letter to the beginning of a paragraph.
- settings for font size and drop cap style (Letter, Square, Border), no color settings
- Need to have a full paragraph for it to look good.
- helps to leave first line of paragraph blank
- can replace first letter or repeat it
Paldom Systems is incorporated in Washington State.
We do website design, email marketing an business system design.
Visit our website.
Below is a common paragraph with the drop cap option checked, can change color and font
Paldom Systems is incorporated in Washington State.
We do website design, email marketing an business system design.
Visit our website.
Email Newsletter Block
- Email subscription box
- You must define your newsletter provider API keys to use this block, so link not defined in sample
- Options for button style and color
- prefer to use a CTA block with a link to subscribe form on MailChimp