Common Gutenberg Blocks
Any subjective notes on these block are our opinions and others may not agree. All features for various blocks may not have been tested here.
Common Blocks
- Common Blocks come with WordPress
- Additional blocks may show up under Common Blocks when certain plugins are added.
- WordPress updates often add new blocks.
Heading Block
- Use for topic headings because SEO indexes headings
- Has 6 default font sizes to choose from but also variable size settings. H1 is recommended for page titles for best SEO.
- Color can be set in theme options for Weaver Xtreme Plus, but can be overridden and customized. Can change color of highlighted text.
- Numerous fonts to choose from.
- Allows for different alignments, degrees of boldness, for variable spacing between letters, for variable line height to allow for more space around heading.
This is H1 Heading Size
Paragraph Block
- For basic text.
- Can use a plugin called tinymc for additional settings, use advanced settings.
- Has several default font sizes to choose from but also variable size settings. SEO likes 16px.
- Color can be set in theme options but can be overridden and customized. Can be changed for highlighted areas.
- Numerous fonts to choose from.
- Allows for different degrees of boldness, for variable spacing between letters, for variable line height to allow for more space around heading.
- To go to a new line without starting a new paragraph use shift/enter.
- Drop Cap makes first letter very large.
- “Edit as html” allows more customization but if you want a block of custom html better to use custom html block.
Image Block
- Can adjust size, add a link, add alt text.
- 4 style options: default, circle, wave top or bottom
- Can crop image or zoom
- Best to change size by dragging dots or by percentage, dimensions options don’t change in proportion.
- Can change image block to gallery block.
- Can make image a custom link or link to media file.
List Block
- Can make a list numbered (ordered) or bullet (unordered).
- Style options for default, none (no bullets) or check box (but seems to just make big bold bullets, maybe a bug).
- Can change font, font size, spacing.
- Heading for a list needs to be a separate block above it.
- Can indent lines, add text color or highlight text .
- Otheer list blocks, like Advanced list block have many more options including different bullets icons.
Audio Block
- worked well on demo page
- use paragraph block instead of caption under audio file, caption seems to disappear
- in audio setting click auto for file to play when page is opened
- option to loop audio
Video Block
- works well, see demo page on paldomdemo
- caption worked but like audio captions, may disappear on edit page, so paragraph may be better
- should be centered or may encounter formatting issues
- options for autoplay, loop, mute, controls on or off
- can put a cover image on video
- advanced video has more options
Gallery Block
- Select crop images to make all the same height in a row.
- Set gallery width and number per row. The one below is set for wide width but not full width.
- Odd number of images will make last ones bigger so choose order and number of images carefully.
- Can’t make an image a custom link unless use custom html block. Can make the caption a link—click on image, highlite the caption, click the link symbol, apply, then edit link to go to new page.
- Captions are over the image so hard to read in some cases, keep captions short or on phone will cover image.
- if add plugin gallery custom links then can link image to custom link
- if click on caption it goes to media file, so click above caption for custom link. (first image here is linked to our website)
- More gallery options are tested on and
- When edit gallery can add images, alt tags, captions and links, and can rearrange images.
Quote Block
- inserts quote and adds citation of author.
insert quote here
by Liz
Cover Block
- Add an image or video with a text overlay.
- Can put text over image, good for header or heading for a major section of page.
- “fixed background” makes it paralax using the center of image (not paralax on ipad or android phone),.
- can also put link on text and change transparency (10)works well) and overlay colors.
- Looks like can also use a video, haven’t tried that, not sure about slide show.
- Works to put cover block in a column or container block.
- Had problem with image getting cut off, can’t change image size
- The cover block can be made parallax by clicking to make fixed background.
Fall City Eagle
by Liz Lawrence
Below is a cover image made parallax. Another sample is on the parallax content page.
Business Systems for the Northwest
File Block
- tested with a pdf file, works with some other file formats.
- adds a link to a file with a download button and puts the file in the media library.
- Be sure to click to open in new tab.